Certificat en développement durable dans la mode - fashion sustainability

Objectifs, programme, validation de la formation


Explore the history and current issues of the concept of sustainability.
Analyze the new economic concepts related to sustainable development and more specifically the circular economy model.
Develop an environmental and social strategy applied to the fashion industry.
Identify the main contemporary innovation areas.
Discuss the different models of sustainability implemented by fashion brands through a lifecycle product approach.

Description, programmation

On this 10-week course, you’ll learn about the history and values of sustainable development - and why it matters in the fashion industry.

Alongside fashion thought-leaders at Institut Français de la Mode and Kering, you’ll identify how to build a practical CSR and sustainability strategy, and how to communicate it to your company’s audience.

You’ll explore the contemporary environmental situation, learning about the climate crisis to better inform your own approach to sustainable fashion.

The course is divided into 4 parts :

1. Building a CSR and Sustainability Strategy

Familiarise yourself with the history and values of sustainable development before defining and implementing a CSR strategy.

2. Environment and Social

This course will help you to identify the major implications of sustainability on the fashion industry.

3. Sustainability in the Value Chain

Explore the principles of eco-design, sustainable materials and responsible retailing.

4. Sustainable Innovation

Discover what sustainability might look like in the future including how reconcile sustainability and innovation.

Validation et sanction

Attestation d’acquis ou de compétences ;Attestation de suivi de présence

Type de formation

Perfectionnement, élargissement des compétences

Niveau de sortie sans niveau spécifique

Métiers visés

M1703 :

M1707 :

Durée, rythme, financement

Durée 100 heures en centre
Durée indicative : 76 jours

Modalités de l'alternance FOAD : 100 h

Conventionnement Non

Conditions d'accès

Niveau d'entrée sans niveau spécifique

Conditions spécifiques et prérequis No previous skills or experience are required to complete the course. You simply need to justify an interest in the question of sustainable development in fashion. The course will be delivered in English.


Contact renseignement Mme Viviane SALIFOU

Périodes prévisibles de déroulement des sessions

Session débutant le : 27/09/2021

Adresse d'inscription
36 Quai d'Austerlitz 75013 Paris 13e

Lieu de formation

Organisme de formation responsable