Deploying and administering microsoft forefront client security

Objectifs, programme, validation de la formation


After completing this course, students will be able to : describe the Forefront Client Security components and architecture, and identify the different server roles, complete and troubleshoot the server setup process, identify various server topologies, and describe basic MOM concepts and the MOM agent, identify Forefront Client Security client component characteristics and describe the client setup and deployment processes, understand Forefront Client Security administration and user roles, Forefront Client Security Policy UI settings and policy deployments, and know how to troubleshoot the Management Console, understand the reporting services infrastructure used by Forefront Client Security, use Forefront Client Security reports and alerting services, and troubleshoot reporting procedures, describe the security state assessment (SSA) component of Forefront Client Security, and understand its architecture, describe the object processor and manifest update in SSA, review the SSA Securit

Description, programmation

Course Overview - Forefront Client Security Server Roles and Topologies - Forefront Client Security Client - Forefront Client Security Management - Forefront Client Security Reporting and Alerting - Security State Assessment - Submitting Malware to Microsoft for Analysis - Closing

Niveau de sortie information non communiquée

Métiers visés

M1803 :

M1805 :

M1810 :

Durée, rythme, financement

Durée 21 heures en centre

Modalités de l'alternance -

Conventionnement Non

Conditions d'accès

Modalités de recrutement et d'admission Before attending this course, students must have Windows Server certifications or deployment experience and be familiar with the Forefront product line: Client, Server, and Edge.

Niveau d'entrée sans niveau spécifique

Conditions spécifiques et prérequis Aucune


Contact renseignement Marie-Hélène Camborde

Téléphone 0559146262

Périodes prévisibles de déroulement des sessions

Session débutant le : 01/01/2019

Adresse d'inscription
Europa Premium, 4 rue Johannes Kepler 64000 Pau

Lieu de formation

Organisme de formation responsable