Mastère Spécialisé Advanced Master in Aeronautical Engineering - Mention : - Parcours :Mastère Spécialisé Advanced Master in Aeronautical Engineering

Objectifs, programme, validation de la formation


nThe advanced master TAS Aero program leads to a one-year professionally-oriented master s degree with an emphasis on Aerospace Engineering AE . For some students having a passion for flight testing the master TAS Aero offers a Flight Test Engineering major TAS Aero - FTE . The MS TAS Aero enables students to develop a high level of competence in engineering science current technology engineering design and management of aeronautical systems or flight test performances. The TAS - Aero programs are highly multidisciplinary and aimed at developing engineering skills n nto easily enter the work world with great opportunities and significant chances of advancement on aeronautical projects either in a research facility or in a company in a multinational environment. n nThe programs are specially designed for students starting immediately after the completion of their master and for industrial employees who have enrolled through their companies continuing education programs. The TAS Aero curriculum includes a broad spectrum of subjects with the following objectives n n- to develop an integrated approach of the product design development while acquiring necessary skills in the disciplines and techniques of the aeronautical sector to facilitate work on multidisciplinary projects in aeronautics with a very practical approach n n- to develop skills in team building and team process at a multinational level n n- to develop project-management and programme management skills for international use n n- to understand the global economic environment of the aeronautical sector. n n n nIn 2011 we launched a new major in flight Test Engineering - TAS Aero FTE - which focuses on the issues facing aircraft and aircraft equipment manufacturers in the development and certification of new aircraft. This major TAS Aero FTE is particularly suitable for engineers with little or no prior expérience in the field and also for those already involved in auronautics who require further knowledge of the above concerns. n n n nGraduates of this master are capable of working in flight test department to contribute to various kinds of flight testing certification tests envelope expansion performances handling qualities and aircraft systems... n n n nFirst semester academic session of around 490h provided by ISAE s permanent professors and experts from aerospace industry bringing current knowledge and experience including n n- lectures exercises n n- labs with Matlab n n- engineering and design study seminars n n- laboratory sessions n n- written report and oral presentation n n- practical sessions n n- team work and team business game n n- in-flight practical study and industrial visits Airbus CEAT etc. . n nSecond semester students have to conduct a professional thesis in aerospace industry or in laboratory in France or abroad supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and from ISAE. The thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report

Validation et sanction

Mastère spécialisé

Type de formation

Perfectionnement, élargissement des compétences

Niveau de sortie niveau I (supérieur à la maîtrise)

Durée, rythme, financement

Durée 300 heures en centre, 350 heures en entreprise

Modalités de l'alternance -

Conventionnement Non

Conditions d'accès

Niveau d'entrée niveau I (supérieur à la maîtrise)

Conditions spécifiques et prérequis -

Périodes prévisibles de déroulement des sessions

Session débutant le : 01/09/2020

Adresse d'inscription
10 avenue Edouard Belin
BP 5432 31055 Toulouse

Lieu de formation

Organisme de formation responsable